
Formalisation of an order processing soft systems model using Petri nets




Soft systems methodologies are known for investigating the problems occurring in the management of organisations using conceptual models. These models are informal and thus they are easily used and understood by a non-specialist. However, such models cannlt be subjected to formal analysis, and problems can occur in verifying their correctness. This paper addresses this issue by combining Petri net theory with the conceptual model of a methodology known as the Boardman Soft Systems Methodology (BSSM). Specifically, a systematic approach is presented that allows the systemigrams of the BSSM to be translated into Petrinet models. This translation allows a systemigram to be checked for the integrity of its data, and Petri net theory can be used to analyse the resulting Petri net models. It is the intention that this type of analysis would be used by a target audience to verify and validate the systemigram models. Application of this approach is illustrated by an industrial case study that involves the Order Intake phase of a product's life cycle.
机译:众所周知,软系统方法论是使用概念模型来调查组织管理中出现的问题。这些模型是非正式的,因此非专业人员很容易使用和理解。但是,此类模型无法进行形式分析,并且在验证其正确性时可能会出现问题。本文通过将Petri网络理论与称为“ Boardman Soft Systems Methodology(BSSM)”的方法论概念模型相结合来解决此问题。具体而言,提出了一种系统的方法,该方法允许将BSSM的系统图转换为Petrinet模型。这种转换允许检查系统图以确保其数据的完整性,并且可以使用Petri网理论来分析所得的Petri网模型。目的是目标受众将使用这种类型的分析来验证和验证系统图模型。工业案例研究说明了这种方法的应用,该案例涉及产品生命周期的订单接收阶段。



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