
Geographical Integrated View to the Compilation of Regional Planning in the New Period in China


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Regional planning is one of the hotspots of human geography.It is attached much importance for the Eleventh Five Years'Planning in China.Directed by the Scientific Development Conception,regional planning will require more integrated thoughts to improve its quality and applicability in the new period.From the geographical integrated view,we analyze four problems on the present compilation of regional planning in China.First,lineups of regional planning are mainly composed of economic geographers and short of persons with integrated abilities.Secondly,regional planning mainly aims at the economic growth and the near profits,while ignores the comprehensive and long-term benefits.Thirdly,regional planning often describes the development conditions and histories one by one,ignoring the analysis and integration of them.Finally,regional planning emphasizes its plans themselves,ignoring comprehensive accordance and regional governance.According to the above problems,we put forward three strategies to resolve them.First,we should correct the conception of"integration".Secondly,we should take direct measures to suit the four problems.Finally,interdisciplinary study should be advocated and persons with integrated abilities for regional planning should be educated,and it is the essential key to the problems.
机译:区域规划是人文地理学的热点之一。它是中国“十一五”规划的重点。在科学发展观的指导下,区域规划将需要更多的综合思想,以提高新时期的质量和适用性。 。从地域整合的角度,分析了目前我国区域规划编制中的四个问题。首先,区域规划的组成主要由经济地理学家组成,缺乏综合能力的人。其二,区域规划主要针对经济。第三,区域规划常常一一描述发展条件和历史,而忽略了它们的分析和整合。最后,区域规划只强调计划本身,而忽略了综合性和长期性。针对以上问题,提出了三个方面的建议。解决这些问题的策略。首先,应纠正“整合”的概念。其次,应采取直接措施以适应这四个问题。最后,应提倡跨学科研究,并对具有综合规划能力的人进行教育,并且这是解决问题的关键。



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