
Stress Corrosion Cracking Failure of Jackbolts for Die Casting Press


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Several prematurely failed jack bolts were analyzed to determine the root causes of failure. Bolts were employed to ensure that die halves do not separate during casting of high pressure die castings of light metals. Fractography of jack bolts revealed unusual morphology consisting of both circumferential and longitudinal cracking. The basic fracture type was identified as transgranular cleavage (brittle) fracture mode. SEM / EDS analysis of the fracture surface revealed the presence of, to varying degrees, chemical species containing sulfur (S), oxygen (O) and chlorine (Cl). Material composition, heat treatment, microstructure and hardnesses of the jack bolts were found to be in agreement with the expected steel grade and properties. It was concluded that the failure of the bolts was due to a combination of inappropriately chosen mechanical properties of the bolts, operating stress, and the presence of corrosive environmental materials leading to ideal conditions that promoted stress corrosion cracking failures. Suitable remedial actions to alleviate the risk of SCC failure of the bolts are presented and discussed in the paper.
机译:分析了几个过早失效的千斤顶螺栓,以确定失效的根本原因。采用螺栓以确保在铸造轻金属的高压压铸过程中半模不会分开。千斤顶螺栓的分形显示出不寻常的形貌,包括周向和纵向裂纹。基本的骨折类型被确定为经颗粒分裂(脆性)骨折模式。断裂表面的SEM / EDS分析表明,在不同程度上存在着包含硫(S),氧(O)和氯(Cl)的化学物质。人们发现千斤顶螺栓的材料组成,热处理,显微组织和硬度与预期的钢种和性能一致。结论是,螺栓的故障是由于螺栓的机械性能选择不当,工作应力以及存在腐蚀环境的材料共同导致的理想条件,从而导致了应力腐蚀开裂的失败。本文介绍并讨论了减轻螺栓SCC损坏风险的适当补救措施。



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