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Iran is located in a semiarid to arid region in Middle East with an average annual precipitation of 250 mm. For centuries, the shortage of available water for the different purposes has been a force for controlling and conveyance of water by ancient Iranians. Khuzestan province in south of Iran is one of the largest territories with high surface water potential possessing about third of total surface water potential of the country. Among the rivers in this region the Karun river is biggest in the region and the country. The length of the river is about 675 Km from head - stream in the Char - Mahal province to the city of Ahwaz in the southwest. The range of river elevation in the mountainous area is between about 4200 meter in the upper part of the mountainous area down to 100 in the lower pan of catchment with average yearly discharge between 100 and 400 cubic meter per second. Therefore the river has a good hydropower generation potential which is the best in the country. At this time two hydropower plants are under operation namely Karun Ⅰ storage dam with 1000 MW. Install capacity and Gotvand reregulating dam (downstream Karun Ⅰ) with 70 MW Install capacity. Three other dams (KⅢ and KⅣ storage reservoir and Godarlandar) are under construction and four dams (KⅡ, KHⅠ, KHⅢ and Bazoft) are under study. Since the first purpose of all of the reservoirs are power generation, and they are all located in one water resources system, therefore the size and operation of reservoirs, also the install capacities of power plant will effect on the total output of whole system. The object of the paper is to define the best normal water level for the reservoir under study and appropriate reservoir operation in order to increase the amount of firm energy of the reservoir in the system.
机译:伊朗位于中东半干旱地区,年平均降雨量为250毫米。几个世纪以来,用于不同目的的可用水一直是古代伊朗人控制和输送水的力量。伊朗南部的胡泽斯坦省是地表水潜力最大的地区之一,约占该国总地表水潜力的三分之一。在该地区的河流中,卡伦河是该地区和该国最大的。从Char-Mahal省的源头流至西南部的Ahwaz市,这条河的长度约为675 Km。山区河流的海拔范围在山区的上部约4200米,而在集水区的下盘则降至100,平均年排放量在每秒100至400立方米之间。因此,该河流具有良好的水力发电潜力,是全国最好的。目前,有两家水电厂正在运行,即1000兆瓦的KarunⅠ蓄水坝。装机容量和70兆瓦装机容量的Gotvand调节坝(KarunⅠ下游)。另外三座大坝(KⅢ,KⅣ蓄水库和戈达尔兰达)正在建设中,另外四座大坝(KⅡ,KHⅠ,KHⅢ和Bazoft)正在研究中。由于所有水库的首要目的都是发电,并且它们都位于一个水资源系统中,因此水库的大小和运行方式以及电厂的装机容量也会影响整个系统的总产量。本文的目的是为研究中的水库确定最佳的正常水位,并确定适当的水库运行,以增加系统中水库的稳定能量。



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