
An Interactive Color Harmony Design System Based on Color Vision Law


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Following color vision law is a good method for color harmony design. But there are two questions in dire need of resolve. First, the color models such as L~*a~*b~*, RGB and HSV in actual CAD system are not uniform in vision; second there are short of harmony control techniques. In this article, a visual perceptual color model, i.e. HVC model is established based on artificial neural network (ANN). The ANN training data come from the Munsell system and Chinese color system. And the comparison between the HVC model and the L~*a~*b~* model in Photoshop software is presented. Then, a set of harmony control algorithms are discussed in detail. Lastly, an interactive color harmony design system (ICHDS) is developed based on the HVC model and the harmony algorithms. Application testified that ICHDS provides effective color harmony design tools.
机译:遵循色彩视觉定律是进行色彩协调设计的好方法。但是迫切需要解决两个问题。首先,实际CAD系统中的颜色模型(例如L〜* a〜* b〜*,RGB和HSV)在视觉上不一致。第二,缺乏和谐控制技术。在本文中,基于人工神经网络(ANN)建立了视觉感知的颜色模型,即HVC模型。人工神经网络训练数据来自孟塞尔系统和中国色彩系统。并在Photoshop软件中将HVC模型与L〜* a〜* b〜*模型进行了比较。然后,详细讨论了一组和谐控制算法。最后,基于HVC模型和和声算法,开发了一种交互式颜色和声设计系统(ICHDS)。应用证明,ICHDS提供了有效的色彩协调设计工具。



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