首页> 外文会议>2019 International Conference on Communications, Information System and Computer Engineering >The Analysis of Academic Communication Based on Co-Author Perspective - Take Library and Information Science as an Example

The Analysis of Academic Communication Based on Co-Author Perspective - Take Library and Information Science as an Example


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In terms of academic communication, this paper explores whether there is an "academic circle" and the close academic communication through the module division of co-authors. The frequency distribution of academic communication is explored through the regression of the number and frequency of co-authorship between two authors. Through the statistics of the number of coauthors of each paper over time, the changes in the breadth of academic communication were explored. This paper selects the literature data of the journals of library and information science from 2010 to 2018 for experiments. The results show that in the past 10 years, the exchange center of scholars in library and information field has been significantly centralized, which meets zipf's law, the exchange frequency distribution meets rotka's law, and the academic exchange has increased in breadth.



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