
Single-Prover Concurrent Zero Knowledge in Almost Constant Rounds


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In this paper we study the round complexity of concurrent zero-knowledge arguments and show that, for any function β(n) = ω(1), there exists an unbounded concurrent zero-knowledge argument system with β(n) rounds. Our result assumes that the same prover is engaged in several concurrent sessions and that the prover has a counter whose value is shared across concurrent executions of the argument. Previous constructions for concurrent zero knowledge required a (almost) logarithmic number of rounds [Prabhakaran et al. - FOCS 2002] in the plain model or seemingly stronger set-up assumptions. Moreover, we construct twoβ(n)-round unbounded concurrent zero-knowledge arguments that are mutually concurrent simulation sound for any β(n) = ω(1). Here we assume that each party has access to a counter and that the two protocols are used by the same two parties to play several concurrent sessions of the two protocols.
机译:在本文中,我们研究了并发零知识参数的舍入复杂度,并表明,对于任何函数β(n)=ω(1),都存在一个无穷大并发零知识参数系统,该系统具有β(n)个回合。我们的结果假设同一证明者参与了多个并发会话,并且证明者具有一个计数器,该计数器的值在参数的并发执行中共享。并发零知识的先前构造需要(几乎)对数轮数[Prabhakaran等。 -FOCS 2002]中的模型或看似更强的设置假设。此外,我们构造了两个β(n)轮无界并发零知识参数,它们对于任何β(n)=ω(1)都是相互并发的模拟声音。在这里,我们假设每一方都可以访问计数器,并且相同的两方使用这两个协议来播放这两个协议的多个并发会话。



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