
TRTML - A Tripleset Recommendation Tool Based on Supervised Learning Algorithms




The Linked Data initiative promotes the publication of interlinked RDF triplesets, thereby creating a global scale data space. However, to enable the creation of such data space, the publisher of a tripleset t must be aware of other triplesets that he can interlink with t. Towards this end, this paper describes a Web-based application, called TRTML, that explores metadata available in Linked Data catalogs to provide data publishers with recommendations of related triplesets. TRTML combines supervised learning algorithms and link prediction measures to provide recommendations. The evaluation of the tool adopted as ground truth a set of links obtained from metadata stored in the DataHub catalog. The high precision and recall results demonstrate the usefulness of TRTML.
机译:“链接数据”计划促进了相互关联的RDF三元组的发布,从而创建了一个全球规模的数据空间。但是,为了能够创建这样的数据空间,三元组t的发布者必须知道他可以与t互连的其他三元组。为此,本文描述了一个名为TRTML的基于Web的应用程序,该应用程序探索链接数据目录中可用的元数据,以便为数据发布者提供相关三元组的建议。 TRTML结合了监督学习算法和链接预测措施来提供建议。对工具的评估被采纳为从存储在DataHub目录中的元数据中获得的一组链接作为基础。高精度和召回率结果证明了TRTML的有用性。


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