
Semantic Big Data Searching In Cloud Storage




Cloud storage is bell used by all the community in recent years since it provides various benefits over the traditional storage. Cloud storage Elves many benefits to users, but at the same time, many security problems arise in cloud storage which prevents organizations to migrate their data to cloud storage. The huge amount of data are available in the current Internet period, people who want to search,for information about a particular topic, are very much shocked because it has become very difficult for them to move around the web page and search the exact information. This implies that decisions are being taken on the basis of incomplete and poor understanding by organizations. Most of the search engines which are being used today by user completely rely on keywords matching. Due to this, a user receives a huge volume of inappropriate data after spending maximum time in browsing the results. Sometimes more complicated queries are framed to improve the search output. To overcome this constraint, researchers are working on the new technique called semantic-based solution. Also at times, it seems that the information stored in these clouds work on a plan that is not understandable by all. This big data that is stored in these clouds get processed automatically before they are even presented to the users. In this paper, a general algorithm is being proposed that implements a semantic search engine in the cloud database that uses semantic technologies to extract the relevant data for the user. We also would like to explain the working of the semantic searching with the correlation of the Big Data and the processing it goes through.



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