首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Information Technology, Information System and Electrical Engineering >The Prototype of Smart Helmet with Safety Riding Notification for Motorcycle Rider

The Prototype of Smart Helmet with Safety Riding Notification for Motorcycle Rider




Motorcycle is the highest contributor of a traffic accident in Indonesia which 83% of it caused by human factors. These human factors include traffic signs violation and riding above the speed limit. Besides that, road condition also affects traffic accident, such as a pothole, speed bump and lack of traffic signs. In the case of a fatality, the highest proportion of fatalities is 22.4% of the total 145,478 victims occurred in 2011. Head injury is the main factor of casualties by 70%. Based on these statistics, the role of a helmet as a head protector must be worn by motorcycle riders and make sure the strap perfectly locked. To overcome this problem, this study introduces a smart helmet system to warn the rider when they meet dangerous factors that risk causing traffic accident. These factors are when the rider has not worn the helmet and lock the strap and speeding above the speed limit. Other than that, this study offers a new feature to warn the rider when passing through the obstacle such as potholes or speed bump at unsafe speed. This feature is offered because of the bad road condition in Indonesia contributes to traffic accidents. From the test's results, the smart helmet system in this study has an average response time of 1.4 seconds in the helmet use and strap lock detection system and 0.3 seconds in speed and shock detection system. In addition, the average difference of speed calculation between smart helmets and GPS is 3.3 km/hour.



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