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Analysis of evaluation quality website from developers perspective for build website




According to the law, legal marriage is when marriage registered by the government, this is in accordance with the provisions of article 2 paragraph (2) of law no. 1 year 1974 about marriage. A marriage registered is evidenced by the ownership of marriage certificate and marriage book of married couple. Couples who have children are obliged to report to the population and civil registry, then get birth certificates for children and family members are added to the family card. The marriage electronic card is a physical form of marriage information system by applying Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) on the card, which integrated with the website so the user can access the information using the marriage card's electronic serial number as the username. The electronic marriage card holder can change the data over the marriage permit of the marriage system website which is integrated with population and civil administration records. In this research, a marriage information system concept designed of RFID card communication model, communication between user and website, use case diagram, simple explanation of how RFID card works and responses about the concept of some informatics experts using the method of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). It is expected that this concept can be applied to support e-government of Indonesia.
机译:根据法律,合法婚姻是指政府登记的婚姻,符合法律第2条第2款的规定。 1974年结婚1年。已登记的婚姻由已婚夫妇的结婚证书和结婚簿的所有权证明。育有子女的夫妇必须向人口和民事登记处报告,然后获得子女的出生证,并将家庭成员添加到家庭卡中。结婚电子卡是婚姻信息系统的一种物理形式,它通过在卡上应用射频识别(RFID)并将其与网站集成在一起,因此用户可以使用结婚卡的电子序列号作为用户名来访问信息。电子婚姻卡持有人可以更改婚姻系统网站上与人口和民政管理记录集成的结婚许可上的数据。在这项研究中,设计了一个婚姻信息系统概念,其中包括RFID卡通信模型,用户与网站之间的通信,用例图,RFID卡的工作原理的简单说明以及使用统一接受理论的方法对某些信息学专家的概念的响应和技术使用(UTAUT)。预计该概念可以应用于支持印度尼西亚的电子政务。



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