
Parameterized Provability in Equational Logic




In this work we study the validity problem in equational logic from the perspective of parameterized complexity theory. We introduce a variant of equational logic in which sentences are pairs of the form (t_1 = t_2, ω), where t_1 = t_2 is an equation, and ω is an arbitrary ordering of the positions corresponding to subterms of t_1 and t_2- We call such pairs ordered equations. With each ordered equation, one may naturally associate a notion of width, and with each proof of validity of an ordered equation, one may naturally associate a notion of depth. We define the width of such a proof as the maximum width of an ordered equation occurring in it. Finally, we introduce a parameter 6 that restricts the way in which variables are substituted for terms. We say that a proof is 6-bounded if all substitutions used in it satisfy such restriction. Our main result states that the problem of determining whether an ordered equation (t_1 = t_2,w) has a b-bounded proof of depth d and width c, from a set of axioms E, can be solved in time f(E,d,c,b) • |t_1 =t_2|. In other words, this task is fixed parameter linear with respect to the depth, width and bound of the proof. Subsequently, we show that given a classical equation t_1 = t_2, one may determine whether there exists an ordering ω such that (t_1 = t_2,ω) has a b-bounded proof, of depth d and width c, in time f(E,d,c,b) • |t_1 = t_2|~(O(c)). In other words this task is fixed parameter tractable with respect to the depth and bound of the proof, and is in polynomial time for constant values of width. This second result is particularly interesting because the ordering ω is not given a priori, and thus, we are indeed parameterizing the provability of equations in classical equational logic. In view of the expressiveness of equational logic, our results give new fixed parameter tractable algorithms for a whole spectrum of problems, such as polynomial identity testing, program verification, automated theorem proving and the validity problem in undecidable equational theories.
机译:在这项工作中,我们从参数化复杂性理论的角度研究方程逻辑中的有效性问题。我们引入了一种方程逻辑的变体,其中句子是(t_1 = t_2,ω)形式的对,其中t_1 = t_2是一个方程,而ω是与t_1和t_2的子项相对应的位置的任意顺序-我们称之为这样的对有序方程。对于每个有序方程式,自然可以将宽度的概念与之相关联,并且对于每一个有序方程式的有效性证明,可以使自然与深度的概念相关联。我们将证明的宽度定义为其中出现的有序方程的最大宽度。最后,我们引入一个参数6,该参数限制了用变量代替项的方式。我们说,如果证明中使用的所有替换均满足此限制,则证明是6界的。我们的主要结果表明,从一组公理E中确定有序方程(t_1 = t_2,w)是否具有b边界的深度d和宽度c的证明的问题可以在时间f(E,d ,c,b)•| t_1 = t_2 |。换句话说,此任务是相对于证明的深度,宽度和边界线性的固定参数。随后,我们证明,给定经典方程t_1 = t_2,可以确定是否存在阶次ω,使得(t_1 = t_2,ω)在时间f(E)上具有深度为d且宽度为c的b界证明。 ,d,c,b)•| t_1 = t_2 |〜(O(c))。换句话说,该任务是相对于证明的深度和界限易于处理的固定参数,对于宽度的恒定值,该任务是多项式时间。第二个结果特别有趣,因为没有先验获得ω的顺序,因此,我们确实在经典方程式逻辑中对方程的可证明性进行了参数化。考虑到方程逻辑的表达性,我们的结果给出了针对一系列问题的新的固定参数易处理算法,例如多项式恒等检验,程序验证,自动定理证明以及不确定的方程理论中的有效性问题。



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