
Declarative Web 2.0

机译:声明式Web 2.0

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Web 2.0 applications have become popular as drivers of new types of Web content, but they have also introduced a new level of interface design in Web development; they are focusing on richer interfaces, user-generated content, and better interworking of Web-based applications. The current foundations of the Web 2.0, however, are strictly imperative in nature, which makes it difficult to develop applications which are robust, interoperable, and backwards compatible. Using a declarative approach for Web 2.0 applications, this new wave of applications can be built on a more robust foundation which is more in line with the Web''s style of using declarative methods whenever possible. We show a path how today''s imperative Web 2.0 applications can be regarded as a testbed as well as a first implementation for a revised version of Web 2.0 technologies, which will be based on declarative markup rather than imperative code.
机译:Web 2.0应用程序已作为新型Web内容的驱动程序而变得流行,但它们也在Web开发中引入了新的界面设计水平。他们专注于更丰富的界面,用户生成的内容以及基于Web的应用程序的更好的互通性。但是,Web 2.0的当前基础本质上是绝对必要的,这使得开发健壮,可互操作且向后兼容的应用程序变得困难。通过对Web 2.0应用程序使用声明性方法,可以在更加稳固的基础上构建新的应用程序浪潮,该基础与Web尽可能使用声明性方法的风格更加一致。我们展示了一条路径,如何将当今的命令式Web 2.0应用程序视为测试平台以及Web 2.0技术修订版的第一个实现,该版本将基于声明性标记而非命令性代码。



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