首页> 外文会议>Information and Communication Technologies for Development >From Abstraction to Implementation: Can Computational Thinking Improve Complex Real-World Problem Solving? A Computational Thinking-Based Approach to the SDGs

From Abstraction to Implementation: Can Computational Thinking Improve Complex Real-World Problem Solving? A Computational Thinking-Based Approach to the SDGs

机译:从抽象到实现:计算思维能否改善复杂的现实世界中的问题解决方案? SDGs的一种基于计算思维的方法

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Utilizing concepts derived from computational thinking-a method of thinking coined by Jeanette Wing-a problem-solving paradigm is presented to demonstrate the applicability of thinking computationally beyond the realm of computer science. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are used as a set of real world problems to elaborate the function of the proposed four-stage paradigm. The paradigm seeks to provide a method of approaching problems with the aim of finding local and contextualized solutions that reach all members of different societies. This paper also serves as the foundation of further research in the development of computational thinking as a fundamental tool for finding solutions in a broad scope of disciplines and real-world situations.
机译:利用从计算思维衍生的概念(一种由珍妮特·温(Jeanette Wing)提出的思维方法)提出了一种解决问题的范式,以证明计算思维在计算机科学领域之外的适用性。 17个可持续发展目标(SDG)被用作一组现实世界的问题,以详细阐述拟议的四阶段范式的功能。该范式旨在提供一种解决问题的方法,其目的是寻找能够到达不同社会所有成员的本地化解决方案。本文还作为进一步发展计算思想的基础,将其作为在广泛学科和现实世界中寻找解决方案的基本工具。



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