首页> 外文会议>INCOSE 2009 symposium: East meets west: the human dimension to systems engineering >Taiwanese Engineering Process Survey Results –A Preliminary Study

Taiwanese Engineering Process Survey Results –A Preliminary Study


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The authors have administered a survey to explore certain issues in the managementrnof engineering processes in Taiwan. The results of the survey are reported in this paper alongrnwith indications of future research which are suggested by the results obtained. The survey wasrndeveloped in order to explore the manner in which engineering work is organized and led inrnTaiwan. The immediate goal of the work is to explore the interaction of Chinese culture andrnengineering process. The purpose of the work is to develop an understanding of the interactionrnof Chinese culture and engineering processes in order to provide a foundation to develop arnculturally sensitive approach to the management of engineering work that is appropriate in thernChinese context. The survey explores a number of issues around the effect of corporate andrnproject governance and the kinds of management processes used. The survey was developedrnwith closed form questions to enable data analysis independent of language and to provide datarnwhich can be analyzed quickly in the development of sufficient empirical understanding torndevelop future research approaches. The survey deliberately used common language torndescribe the issues about which questions were asked to avoid any difficulty with alienatingrnrespondents who do not overtly practice or use the technical vocabulary of systems engineering.rnThe results we obtained show that systems level issues are important in most of the companiesrnsurveyed.



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