
Task-oriented System Engineering


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Traditional system engineering (SE) is technology driven. In the design of interactivernsystems we typically assume that the human operator traces the changes in the system states andrnoperates the system correctly. However, the human operator obeys different rules. The differencernbetween the designers’ and the operator’s rules often results in loss of productivity, decreasedrnperformance and accidents, and eventually, loss of market share. In special cases, it makes sensernto demand that the user follows the designers’ logic. However, in most projects, it is the designerrnwho needs to adapt to the user’s logic. The article analyzes the limitations of common designrnpractices in resolving mismatches between the system and the user states. Complex systemrnengineering (CSE) is a framework suitable for handling the human operator as a critical systemrncomponent. This article presents a methodology for handling the human attributes in thisrnframework. The methodology extends the capability of common practices of user-centeredrndesign and usability testing, which miss critical interdisciplinary issues. To resolve staternmismatches, the system engineers must be aware of the user’s logic. Such knowledge should bernreflected in the system architecture, to ensure that the user interface provides protection againstrnunexpected user events and to facilitate the system operation in new situations, such as inrnemergency. The methods and guidelines presented here are applicable to the whole developmentrncycle.



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