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Computing All ?-Caver Automata Fast


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Given a language L and a number ?, an ?-cover automaton for L is a DFA M such that its language coincides with L on all words of length at most ?. It is known that an equivalent minimal ?-cover automaton can be constructed in time O(n log n), where n is the number of states of M. This is achieved by a clever and sophisticated variant of Hopcroft's algorithm, which computes the ?-similarity inside the main algorithm. This contribution presents an alternative simple algorithm with running time O(n log n), in which the computation is split into three phases. First, a compact representation of the gap table is created. Second, this representation is enriched with information about the length of a shortest word leading to the states. These two steps are independent of the parameter ?. Third, the ?-similarity is extracted by simple comparisons against ?. In particular, this approach allows the calculation of all the sizes of minimal ?-cover automata (for all valid ?) in the same time bound.
机译:给定一种语言L和一个数字α,L的α覆盖自动机是DFA M,因此它的语言在所有长度为λ的单词上与L一致。众所周知,可以在时间O(n log n)中构造一个等效的最小α-覆盖自动机,其中n是M的状态数。这是通过Hopcroft算法的巧妙而复杂的变体实现的,该算法计算α。 -主算法内部的相似性。此贡献提供了一种运行时间为O(n log n)的替代性简单算法,其中将计算分为三个阶段。首先,创建间隙表的紧凑表示。其次,这种表示方式丰富了有关导致状态的最短单词长度的信息。这两个步骤与参数α无关。第三,通过与α的简单比较来提取α相似度。特别地,这种方法允许在同一时间范围内计算最小的α覆盖自动机的所有大小(对于所有有效的α)。



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