首页> 外文会议>IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition >Improvements to Context Based Self-Supervised Learning

Improvements to Context Based Self-Supervised Learning




We develop a set of methods to improve on the results of self-supervised learning using context. We start with a baseline of patch based arrangement context learning and go from there. Our methods address some overt problems such as chromatic aberration as well as other potential problems such as spatial skew and mid-level feature neglect. We prevent problems with testing generalization on common self-supervised benchmark tests by using different datasets during our development. The results of our methods combined yield top scores on all standard self-supervised benchmarks, including classification and detection on PASCAL VOC 2007, segmentation on PASCAL VOC 2012, and 'linear tests' on the ImageNet and CSAIL Places datasets. We obtain an improvement over our baseline method of between 4.0 to 7.1 percentage points on transfer learning classification tests. We also show results on different standard network architectures to demonstrate generalization as well as portability. All data, models and programs are available at: https://gdo-datasci.llnl.gov/selfsupervised/.
机译:我们开发了一套方法来改善使用上下文的自我监督学习的结果。我们从基于补丁的安排上下文学习的基线开始,然后从那里开始。我们的方法解决了一些明显的问题,例如色差,以及其他潜在的问题,例如空间偏斜和中级特征忽略。通过在开发过程中使用不同的数据集,我们可以防止常见的自我监督基准测试的测试泛化问题。我们方法的结果综合了所有标准自我监督基准的最高得分,包括在PASCAL VOC 2007上进行分类和检测,在PASCAL VOC 2012上进行分段以及在ImageNet和CSAIL Places数据集上进行“线性测试”。在迁移学习分类测试中,我们的基准方法得到了4.0至7.1个百分点的改进。我们还将显示不同标准网络体系结构上的结果,以证明通用性和可移植性。所有数据,模型和程序均可在以下网址获得:https://gdo-datasci.llnl.gov/selfsupervised/。



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