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Large Scale Fine-Grained Categorization and Domain-Specific Transfer Learning




Transferring the knowledge learned from large scale datasets (e.g., ImageNet) via fine-tuning offers an effective solution for domain-specific fine-grained visual categorization (FGVC) tasks (e.g., recognizing bird species or car make & model). In such scenarios, data annotation often calls for specialized domain knowledge and thus is difficult to scale. In this work, we first tackle a problem in large scale FGVC. Our method won first place in iNaturalist 2017 large scale species classification challenge. Central to the success of our approach is a training scheme that uses higher image resolution and deals with the long-tailed distribution of training data. Next, we study transfer learning via fine-tuning from large scale datasets to small scale, domain-specific FGVC datasets. We propose a measure to estimate domain similarity via Earth Mover's Distance and demonstrate that transfer learning benefits from pre-training on a source domain that is similar to the target domain by this measure. Our proposed transfer learning outperforms ImageNet pre-training and obtains state-of-the-art results on multiple commonly used FGVC datasets.
机译:通过微调转移从大规模数据集(例如ImageNet)中获得的知识,可以为特定领域的细粒度视觉分类(FGVC)任务(例如识别鸟类或汽车制造商和模型)提供有效的解决方案。在这种情况下,数据注释通常需要专门的领域知识,因此很难扩展。在这项工作中,我们首先解决大规模FGVC中的问题。我们的方法在iNaturalist 2017大规模物种分类挑战赛中获得第一名。我们的方法成功的关键是一种训练方案,该方案使用更高的图像分辨率并处理训练数据的长尾分布。接下来,我们通过从大型数据集到小型,特定领域的FGVC数据集的微调来研究迁移学习。我们提出了一种通过“地球移动者的距离”来估计域相似性的措施,并证明了转移学习得益于该方法对源域的预训练,该源域与目标域相似。我们提出的转移学习优于ImageNet的预训练,并在多个常用FGVC数据集上获得了最新的结果。



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