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Convolutional Neural Networks with Alternately Updated Clique




Improving information flow in deep networks helps to ease the training difficulties and utilize parameters more efficiently. Here we propose a new convolutional neural network architecture with alternately updated clique (CliqueNet). In contrast to prior networks, there are both forward and backward connections between any two layers in the same block. The layers are constructed as a loop and are updated alternately. The CliqueNet has some unique properties. For each layer, it is both the input and output of any other layer in the same block, so that the information flow among layers is maximized. During propagation, the newly updated layers are concatenated to re-update previously updated layer, and parameters are reused for multiple times. This recurrent feedback structure is able to bring higher level visual information back to refine low-level filters and achieve spatial attention. We analyze the features generated at different stages and observe that using refined features leads to a better result. We adopt a multiscale feature strategy that effectively avoids the progressive growth of parameters. Experiments on image recognition datasets including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, SVHN and ImageNet show that our proposed models achieve the state-of-the-art performance with fewer parameters.
机译:改善深层网络中的信息流有助于减轻训练难度并更有效地利用参数。在这里,我们提出了一种具有交替更新的集团(CliqueNet)的新的卷积神经网络体系结构。与现有网络相反,在同一块中的任何两个层之间都存在正向和反向连接。这些层被构造为一个循环并交替更新。 CliqueNet具有一些独特的属性。对于每一层,它都是同一块中任何其他层的输入和输出,从而使层之间的信息流最大化。在传播期间,将新更新的层连接起来以重新更新先前更新的层,并且将参数重复使用多次。这种循环反馈结构能够将更高级别的视觉信息带回去,以完善低级滤波器并获得空间关注。我们分析了在不同阶段生成的特征,并观察到使用改进的特征会产生更好的结果。我们采用了多尺度特征策略,可以有效避免参数的逐步增长。在包括CIFAR-10,CIFAR-100,SVHN和ImageNet在内的图像识别数据集上进行的实验表明,我们提出的模型以较少的参数实现了最新的性能。



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