首页> 外文会议>IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition >Bilateral Ordinal Relevance Multi-instance Regression for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation

Bilateral Ordinal Relevance Multi-instance Regression for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation




Automatic intensity estimation of facial action units (AUs) is challenging in two aspects. First, capturing subtle changes of facial appearance is quite difficult. Second, the annotation of AU intensity is scarce and expensive. Intensity annotation requires strong domain knowledge thus only experts are qualified. The majority of methods directly apply supervised learning techniques to AU intensity estimation while few methods exploit unlabeled samples to improve the performance. In this paper, we propose a novel weakly supervised regression model-Bilateral Ordinal Relevance Multi-instance Regression (BORMIR), which learns a frame-level intensity estimator with weakly labeled sequences. From a new perspective, we introduce relevance to model sequential data and consider two bag labels for each bag. The AU intensity estimation is formulated as a joint regressor and relevance learning problem. Temporal dynamics of both relevance and AU intensity are leveraged to build connections among labeled and unlabeled image frames to provide weak supervision. We also develop an efficient algorithm for optimization based on the alternating minimization framework. Evaluations on three expression databases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
机译:面部动作单位(AU)的自动强度估计在两个方面都具有挑战性。首先,捕捉面部外观的细微变化非常困难。其次,对AU强度的注释是稀缺且昂贵的。强度标注需要强大的领域知识,因此只有专家才有资格。大多数方法直接将监督学习技术应用于AU强度估计,而很少有方法利用未标记的样本来提高性能。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的弱监督回归模型-双边有序相关性多实例回归(BORMIR),该模型学习具有弱标记序列的帧级强度估计量。从新的角度来看,我们引入了对顺序数据建模的相关性,并为每个袋子考虑两个袋子标签。 AU强度估计公式化为联合回归和相关性学习问题。相关性和AU强度的时间动态都被利用来建立标记和未标记图像帧之间的联系,以提供弱监督。我们还基于交替最小化框架开发了一种高效的优化算法。对三个表达数据库的评估证明了该方法的有效性。



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