首页> 外文会议>IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications (CISDA 2009) >Optimizing anomaly detector deployment under evolutionary black-box vulnerability testing

Optimizing anomaly detector deployment under evolutionary black-box vulnerability testing




This work focuses on testing anomaly detectors from the perspective of a Multi-objective Evolutionary Exploit Generator (EEG). Such a framework provides users of anomaly detection systems two capabilities. Firstly, no knowledge of protected data structures need to be assumed (i.e. the detector is a black-box), where the time, knowledge and availability of tools to perform such an analysis might not be generally available. Secondly, the evolved exploits are then able to demonstrate weaknesses in the ensuing detector parameterization. Therefore, the system administrator can identify the suitable parameters for the effective operation of the detector. EEG is employed against two second generation anomaly detectors, namely pH and pH with schema mask, on four UNIX applications in order to perform a vulnerability assessment and make a comparison between the two detectors.
机译:这项工作着眼于从多目标进化漏洞产生器(EEG)的角度测试异常检测器。这样的框架为异常检测系统的用户提供了两种功能。首先,不需要假设受保护的数据结构的知识(即检测器是一个黑匣子),而执行这种分析的工具的时间,知识和可用性可能通常是不可用的。其次,进化后的漏洞利用能够证明随后的检测器参数化的弱点。因此,系统管理员可以为检测器的有效运行确定合适的参数。 EEG在四个UNIX应用程序上针对两个第二代异常检测器(即pH和带有模式掩码的pH)使用,以执行漏洞评估并在两个检测器之间进行比较。



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