首页> 外文会议>IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications (CISDA 2009) >Collaborative architecture for distributed intrusion detection system

Collaborative architecture for distributed intrusion detection system




Due to the rapid growth of network technologies and substantial improvement in attack tools and techniques, a distributed Intrusion Detection System (dIDS) is required to allocate multiple IDSs across a network to monitor security events and to collect data. However, dIDS architectures suffer from many limitations such as the lack of a central analyzer and a heavy network load. In this paper, we propose a new architecture for dIDS, called a Collaborative architecture for dIDS (C-dIDS), to overcome these limitations. The C-dIDS contains one-level hierarchy dIDS with a non-central analyzer. To make the detection decision for a specific IDS module in the system, this IDS module needs to collaborate with the IDS in the lower level of the hierarchy. Cooperating with lower level IDS module improves the system accuracy with less network load (just one bit of information). Moreover, by using one hierarchy level, there is no central management and processing of data so there is no chance for a single point of failure. We have examined the feasibility of our dIDS architecture by conducting several experiments using the DARPA dataset. The experimental results indicate that the proposed architecture can deliver satisfactory system performance with less network load.
机译:由于网络技术的飞速发展以及攻击工具和技术的显着改进,需要使用分布式入侵检测系统(dIDS)在网络上分配多个IDS来监视安全事件并收集数据。但是,dIDS体系结构受到许多限制,例如缺少中央分析仪和沉重的网络负载。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的dIDS架构,称为dIDS协作架构(C-dIDS),以克服这些限制。 C-dIDS包含带有非中央分析器的一级分层dIDS。为了对系统中的特定IDS模块做出检测决定,此IDS模块需要与层次结构中较低级别的IDS合作。与较低级别的IDS模块配合使用,可以减少网络负载(只需一点信息),从而提高系统精度。此外,通过使用一个层次结构级别,就无需进行数据的集中管理和处理,因此就不会出现单点故障。我们通过使用DARPA数据集进行了几次实验,检验了dIDS体系结构的可行性。实验结果表明,所提出的体系结构可以在较少网络负载的情况下提供令人满意的系统性能。



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