
Online biometric authentication using hand vein patterns




Online authentication is one of the basic requirements for any biometric based authentication system used in civil and commercial applications. This paper presents a new approach for online biometric authentication using hand vein patterns. In contrast to the existing approaches, our online authentication system utilizes infrared thermal images of hand vein patterns for authentication purposes. A robust peg free camera set up is employed for infrared thermal imaging. A region of interest (ROI) is extracted from the vein patterns to convolve with Gabor filter for improving the visibility of vein pattern. The outcome of this convolution is the real and imaginary parts of which only the real part is regarded as a texture. Gabor Wavelets at different orientations are convolved with the real part after partitioning it into non-overlapping windows to extract texture. The mean of the convolution on each window is taken as a feature. The experimental results on 100 users conform to the false acceptance error rate (FAR) of 0.1% for the genuine acceptance rate (GAR) of 98.5%.
机译:在线认证是民用和商业应用中使用的任何基于生物特征的认证系统的基本要求之一。本文提出了一种使用手静脉模式进行在线生物特征认证的新方法。与现有方法相反,我们的在线身份验证系统利用手静脉图案的红外热图像进行身份验证。坚固耐用的无钉相机用于红外热成像。从静脉图案中提取感兴趣区域(ROI),并与Gabor滤波器进行卷积,以改善静脉图案的可见性。卷积的结果是实部和虚部,其中只有实部才被视为纹理。将不同方向的Gabor小波划分为不重叠的窗口以提取纹理后,将其与实部进行卷积。每个窗口上的卷积均值均视为特征。 100个用户的实验结果符合98.5%的真实接受率(GAR)的0.1%的错误接受错误率(FAR)。



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