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Coulomb blockade in a granular material made of gold nanowires




Uniform, 2 nm diameter gold nanowires were synthesized through the reduction of gold(III) chloride in an oleylamine matrix. They were top-contacted on a Si/SiO2 substrate with metallic electrodes to manufacture back-gated transistors. Due to thermal breakage, the gold nanowires were fragmented into a granular material and the non-linear current-bias voltage characteristics measured on the devices from 7 K up to 300 K were described by the Coulomb blockade theory in a nearly one-dimensional quantum dot array. The electronic transport was governed by sequential tunneling at an applied bias above the global Coulomb blockade threshold, whereas in the Coulomb blockade regime, inelastic cotunneling was dominant up to 70 K, at which point it crossed over to activated behavior. The current dependence on the gate voltage that showed irregular oscillations was explained by the superimposition of Coulomb oscillation patterns generated by each different dot in the one-dimensional array. The competitive effects of excitation energy and stochastic Coulomb blockade balanced the number of current peaks observed.
机译:通过在油胺基体中还原氯化金(III)来合成直径2 nm的均匀金纳米线。它们与金属电极在Si / SiO2基板上进行顶部接触,以制造背栅晶体管。由于热断裂,金纳米线被破碎成颗粒状材料,并且通过库仑阻塞理论在几乎一维的量子点中描述了在7 K至300 K的器件上测量的非线性电流偏置电压特性。数组。电子传输是通过在高于全球库仑封锁阈值的外加偏压下依序进行隧穿来控制的,而在库仑封锁制度中,非弹性协同隧穿占主导地位,最高可达70 K,这时它便转变为激活行为。一维阵列中每个不同点所产生的库仑振荡模式的叠加说明了电流对显示不规则振荡的栅极电压的依赖性。激励能量和随机库仑阻塞的竞争效应平衡了观察到的电流峰值数量。



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