
Energy, Congestion and Dilation in Radio Networks


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We investigate the problem of path selection in radio networks for a given set of sites in two-dimensional space. For some given static point-to-point communication demand we define measures for congestion, energy consumption and di-. lation that take interferences between communication links into account. We show that energy optimal path selection for radio networks can be computed in polynomial time. Then, we introduce the diversity g(V) of a set V (is contained in) R~2. It can be used to upperbound the number of interfering edges. For real-world applications it can be regarded as Θ(log n). A main result of the paper is that a weak c-spanner construction as a communication network allows to approximate the congestion-optimal communication network by a factor of O(g(V)~2). Furthermore, we show that there are vertex sets where only one of the performance parameters congestion, energy, and dilation can be optimized at a time. We show trade-offs lower bounding congestion x dilation and dilation x energy. For congestion and energy the situation is even worse. It is only possible to find a reasonable approximation for either congestion or energy minimization, while the other parameter is at least a polynomial factor worse than in the optimal network.
机译:我们调查二维空间中给定站点集在无线电网络中的路径选择问题。对于某些给定的静态点对点通信需求,我们定义了拥塞,能耗和di-di的度量。考虑到通信链路之间干扰的关系。我们表明,可以在多项式时间内计算出无线电网络的能量最佳路径选择。然后,我们介绍集合V(包含在)R〜2中的分集g(V)。它可以用于增加干扰边的数量。对于实际应用,可以将其视为Θ(log n)。该论文的主要结果是,作为通信网络的较弱的c-spanner构造可以使拥塞最优通信网络近似O(g(V)〜2)倍。此外,我们表明存在顶点集,其中一次只能优化性能参数拥塞,能量和膨胀中的一个。我们展示了权衡下边界拥塞x扩张和扩张x能量。对于拥挤和能源状况,情况甚至更糟。对于拥塞或能量最小化,只能找到一个合理的近似值,而另一个参数至少是一个比最佳网络中差的多项式因数。



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