
Controlled pressure regulation within the water piping (Examples of the application in the Czech Republic)


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BERMAD reducers were set on the town water piping of Ceske Budejovice in 1998 (Czech Republic, 100 000 inhabitants). It enabled the fluent pressure regulation within the whole distribution network (the length of the water piping is approximately 350 km). The system comprises 9 reducers of the dimensions of 150 / 300 mm connected to the water control. The main reducer is controlled on the basis of the table of quarter-hour values defined according to the week's consumption curve, others are completed with the B.E. Controller unit, which has the function of local automatic machines. Their task is to provide the preference consumption of drinking water from the proper sources and controlled regulation of night pressures. A similar system of the distribution pressures regulation, however controlled on a basis of really measured pressure in the water network was applied on the water piping of the Milevsko town in 2002 (10 000 inhabitants, the length of the water piping is 32 km).
机译:BERMAD减速器于1998年安装在Ceske Budejovice的城市供水管道上(捷克共和国,有10万居民)。它使整个分配网络内的流体压力得以调节(水管的长度约为350 km)。该系统包括9个尺寸为150/300 mm的异径管,与水控制器相连。主减速机是根据根据一周的消耗曲线定义的四分之一小时值表进行控制的,其他减速机则由公元前完成。控制器单元,具有本地自动机的功能。他们的任务是提供来自适当来源的优先饮用水,并控制夜间压力。 2002年,在Milevsko镇的供水管道上使用了类似的分配压力调节系统,但该控制是根据水网络中实际测量的压力进行控制的(10,000居民,供水管道的长度为32 km)。



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