
Fate of endocrine disruptors in planted fixed bed reactors (PFR)


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In this study the fate of the endocrine disrupting compounds like bisphenol A (BPA) and nonylphenols (NP) were investigated in a lab scale test system for constructed wetlands. Mass balances, removal rates and adsorption factors were determined in BPA and NP pretreated systems using ~(13)C-labelled BPA and NP. The results show that the elimination of BPA by microbial activity could be assessed with this approach. However, complete mass balances were not possible due to the respiratory activity of the plants. A half-live of ~6.6d for BPA was measured in constructed wetlands and thus the compound can be degraded in constructed wetlands. A biodegradation of technical NP could not be proven. However, due to the high sorption capacity of the rhizosphere/gravel bed system the compounds were retained to a higher extent. The straight chain NP (n-NP) as model compound was rapidly degraded to more than 90% showing the inappropriateness of such compounds as a surrogate for technical mixtures. The test reactor combined with the stable isotope approach is a highly effective tool for analysing the fate of such compounds in constructed wetlands and in model reactors of complex environmental systems.



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