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Observing Changes and their Effects in Nomadic Environment Remote-Sensing and Archaeology for Sustainable Development on Jebel Bishri in Syria

机译:观察叙利亚的Jebel Bishri在游牧环境遥感和考古学中的变化及其对可持续发展的考古影响

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Detecting environmental changes by remote sensing methods has been dependent on the development of technology during the past 50-150 years. Thus the remote-sensed data is relatively young to be used in detecting long-term changes in environment. However, in order to understand and make forecasts for sustainable development one needs complementing sources of evidence for understanding long-term changes and their effects, e.g., in desert and steppe regions. This needs surveying and sample collecting on the ground to build databases for spatial analyses and to study changes in datable periods. Archaeology with its new environmental approaches and data collecting of human traces opens evidence to detect long-term changes in human life connected with the environment. The Finnish project SYGIS (the Syrian GIS) has used remote sensing methods in its archaeological survey and mapping of Jebel Bishri region in Syria. The area is desert-steppe and has been nomadic grazing grounds for millennia. Remote sensing the changes in agricultural activities of village pastoralists and desertification process has been executed on the mountain from a short-term perspective. The complementing evidence from archaeological surveying and recording aiming to documentate and study the dispersion of nomadic remains on the ground with specific interests in the cyclic phenomena of occupation and reoccupation through millennia. The ancient sites open new vistas for understanding long-term changes and environmental effects on the fragile life of nomads.
机译:在过去的50-150年中,通过遥感方法检测环境变化一直取决于技术的发展。因此,遥感数据相对较年轻,可用于检测环境的长期变化。但是,为了理解和预测可持续发展,需要补充证据来理解长期变化及其影响,例如在沙漠和草原地区。这需要在地面上进行调查和收集样本,以建立用于空间分析的数据库并研究可数据库化时期的变化。考古学以其新的环境方法和人类痕迹数据的收集,为检测与环境有关的人类生活的长期变化提供了证据。芬兰的SYGIS项目(叙利亚GIS)在其对叙利亚Jebel Bishri地区的考古调查和制图中使用了遥感方法。该地区是沙漠草原,几千年来一直是游牧的放牧地。从短期的角度来看,已经在山上执行了乡村牧民农业活动的变化和荒漠化过程的遥感。考古调查和记录的补充证据旨在记录和研究游牧遗迹的散布,这些发现特别引起人们对千年来占领和重新占领的周期性现象的兴趣。古代遗址为了解长期变化和环境对游牧民族脆弱生活的影响打开了新的视野。



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