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Lessons Learned for Systems Engineering Capability Assessments


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Lockheed Martin Naval Electronics &rnSurveillance Systems-Akron (NE&SS) hasrncompleted a continuous assessment against thernSystems Engineering Capability Model (SECM),rnEIA/IS-731. This assessment was conducted in threernstages: Quick Look, Incremental and Final. ThernQuick Look took several days to conduct. The twornyear Incremental assessment established thernprocesses to assure compliance with them in thernorganization. The one week Final assessmentrnvalidated the Level 3+ capability of the organization.rnLessons learned at each assessment stage arernapplicable to all engineering assessments whenrnevaluated against any type of assessment model. Thisrnpaper summarizes our assessment process andrndiscusses our lessons learned.rnSetting out to conduct an assessment andrnimprovement process can be confusing, especially forrnan organization at lower levels of capability maturity.rnThis paper is focused on planning future assessmentsrnby organizations with limited prior assessmentrnexperience.
机译:洛克希德·马丁海军电子监视系统(Akron)已针对系统工程能力模型(SECM)(rnEIA / IS-731)完成了连续评估。这项评估分三个阶段进行:快速查看,增量和最终。 ThernQuick Look花了几天时间进行。两年的增量评估建立了流程,以确保在组织中遵守这些流程。为期一周的最终评估验证了组织的3级以上能力。在每个评估阶段学习的经验教训,如果针对任何类型的评估模型进行评估,则都适用于所有工程评估。本文总结了我们的评估过程,并讨论了我们的经验教训。着手进行评估和改进过程可能会造成混乱,尤其是能力成熟度较低的Forrnan组织。



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