首页> 外文会议>Discovery Science; Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; 4265 >Automatic Recognition of Landforms on Mars Using Terrain Segmentation and Classification

Automatic Recognition of Landforms on Mars Using Terrain Segmentation and Classification


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Mars probes send back to Earth enormous amount of data. Automating the analysis of this data and its interpretation represents a challenging test of significant benefit to the domain of planetary science. In this study, we propose combining terrain segmentation and classification to interpret Martian topography data and to identify constituent landforms of the Martian landscape. Our approach uses unsupervised segmentation to divide a landscape into a number of spatially extended but topographically homogeneous objects. Each object is assigned a 12 dimensional feature vector consisting of terrain attributes and neighborhood properties. The objects are classified, based on their feature vectors, into predetermined landform classes. We have applied our technique to the Tisia Valles test site on Mars. Support Vector Machines produced the most accurate results (84.6% mean accuracy) in the classification of topographic objects. An immediate application of our algorithm lies in the automatic detection and characterization of craters on Mars.
机译:火星探测器将大量数据发送回地球。对这些数据及其解释进行自动化分析,是对行星科学领域的重大益处的一项具有挑战性的测试。在这项研究中,我们建议结合地形分割和分类来解释火星地形数据并确定火星景观的组成地貌。我们的方法使用无监督分割将景观划分为多个空间扩展但地形上同质的对象。为每个对象分配一个12维特征向量,该向量由地形属性和邻域属性组成。根据对象的特征向量将其分类为预定的地形类别。我们已将技术应用于火星的Tisia Valles测试现场。支持向量机在地形对象分类中产生了最准确的结果(平均准确度为84.6%)。我们算法的直接应用在于对火星上陨石坑的自动检测和表征。



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