首页> 外文会议>China International Forum on Work Safety; 20040902-04; Beijing(CN) >Use of Mine Gas for Power Production and Improving Underground Mining Conditions

Use of Mine Gas for Power Production and Improving Underground Mining Conditions


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Minegas is an energy carrier. It can contribute to meeting the high Chinese energy demands. At the same tine, it reduces the CO_2 emissions of the Chinese energy sector. Minegas increases the economic viability of coalmining in China. This is because a minegas alarm results in interruption of mining. The high investments in the coalface technology are only worthwhile however with high running times. Secondly, the drained gas allows electricity production, the costs of which are much lower than the electricity cost of the network operator. Thirdly, free waste heat accumulates during electricity production. This can also be economically recycled, as my example will shortly demonstrate. Finally, utilization of the greenhouse gas CH_4 results in CO_2 credits. These can be sold, thereby resulting in new income for the mine. Utilization of minegas increases occupational safety and improves the miners'working conditions. Occupational safety is increased by reducing the number of accidents. This was already dealt with by Dr. Goerlich. The aspect of working conditions should also be added here, since the working conditions can also be improved by reducing the working temperatrres underground with the aid of minegas.
机译:Minegas是能源载体。它可以满足中国对能源的高需求。同时,它减少了中国能源行业的CO_2排放。 Minegas提高了中国煤矿的经济生存能力。这是因为煤矿瓦斯警报会导致采矿中断。仅在运行时间长的情况下,对煤采煤技术进行大量投资才是值得的。其次,排出的气体允许发电,其成本远低于网络运营商的电力成本。第三,电力生产过程中会积累免费的余热。正如我的示例将很快证明的那样,这也可以经济地回收。最后,利用温室气体CH_4产生了CO_2积分。这些可以出售,从而为矿山带来新的收入。瓦斯的利用提高了职业安全性并改善了矿工的工作条件。通过减少事故数量来提高职业安全性。 Goerlich博士已经解决了这一问题。在此还应增加工作条件,因为也可以通过借助矿井瓦斯降低地下工作温度来改善工作条件。



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