首页> 外文会议>China International Forum on Work Safety; 20040902-04; Beijing(CN) >Reflection on Evaluation of Work Safety of Non - Coal Mines in Shaanxi Province

Reflection on Evaluation of Work Safety of Non - Coal Mines in Shaanxi Province


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Based on the facts and with the emphasis on the prominent regions, trades, enterprises, departments, and links, especially some small private mines and quarries, the evaluation of work safety of non - coal mines in Shaanxi province deepens its rectification and renovation in strict accordance with trade rules and relevant laws and regulations concerning work safety. Four levels (good, average, bad, unqualified) are divided into by means of an analysis of major dangerous factors and a comprehensive evaluation covering such aspects as basic work, standard of equipment and management. The object is to establish a long-term mechanism for work safety, give priority to precautions to prevent accidents from really happening, deepen the rectification, strengthen the supervision, initiate administration in a comprehensive way, practice classified instruction, further campaign against potential danger, and promote technological advancement, so that the standard of safety technique can be evidently raised, safety quality improved, defensive ability increased, and ultimately work safety really bettered.



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