首页> 外文会议>Characterization, Propagation, and Simulation of Sources and Backgrounds II >Discrimination between road and soil surfaces using CO2 laser reflectances

Discrimination between road and soil surfaces using CO2 laser reflectances


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Abstract: It is well known that CO$-2$/ laser reflectances of natural surfaces containing certain minerals, notably quartz, feldspar and kaolinite, exhibit differential reflectance features in the 9 - 11 $mu@m mid-infrared spectral range. The use of off-normal reflectance ratios using measurements at four CO$-2$/ laser wavelengths to differentiate between various types of soil surfaces has been established. Off-normal reflectance ratios are observed to be relatively independent of incidence angle compared to ratios computed at normal incidence, which makes them suitable for field remote sensing applications. Road surface materials, such as concrete and asphalt, contain large quantities of quartz, and as such exhibit reflectance characteristics similar to soils. Our measurements indicate that it is, nevertheless, possible to discriminate between road and soil surfaces using off-normal reflectance ratios. Discrimination from soil surfaces is better for concrete compared to asphalt.!9
机译:摘要:众所周知,含有某些矿物质(尤其是石英,长石和高岭石)的自然表面的CO $ -2 $ /激光反射率在9-11μmu@ m的中红外光谱范围内表现出不同的反射率特征。已经建立了使用非正常反射率的方法,该方法使用四个CO $ -2 $ /激光波长的测量值来区分各种类型的土壤表面。与在法向入射时计算的比率相比,观察到非法向反射率比率相对独立于入射角,这使其适合于现场遥感应用。诸如混凝土和沥青之类的路面材料包含大量的石英,因此其反射特性类似于土壤。我们的测量结果表明,尽管如此,仍可以使用非正常反射率比率来区分路面和土壤表面。与沥青相比,混凝土对土壤表面的区分更好。!9



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