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Enhancing Machine Design Courses Through Use of aMultimedia-Based Review of Mechanics of Materials


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Over the last seven years the Machine Design courses at the United States Air Force Academyrnand at the University of Texas, Austin have evolved through the development, implementationrnand assessment of extensive hands-on additions to the curriculum. These educationalrninnovations, which promote experiential investigation using hands-on devices such as remoterncontrolled cars, Lego? RoboLab, and reverse engineering of consumer products have had a veryrnpositive assessment from the student’s standpoint. However, some faculty members havernexpressed concern over the necessary removal of a non-trivial amount (approximately 25%) ofrntraditional Machine Design course material in order to implement the hands-on active learningrntechniques. This paper reports on a partial solution to this removal of material. Specifically, thernMachine Design course syllabus previously allocated 2-3 lectures for review of content from thernMechanics of Materials course. Although redundant from a pedagogical standpoint, experiencernhas shown that the review is beneficial for establishing, a priori, the knowledge that is requiredrnfor the study of machine components and systems. The challenge is to find a way to “recover”rnthese lectures without compromising the necessary review. This paper presents the development,rnimplementation and assessment of a multimedia-based courseware that students can use tornreview these fundamental Mechanics of Materials principles outside of class. In order to assessrnthe course revisions and new multimedia component, a multifaceted assessment process has beenrndeveloped. This assessment process evaluates the use of the multimedia review material in 2rncategories: 1) assess the students’ competence gained by using exercises that are directlyrnintegrated into the courseware and 2) assess the students’ and the professors’ appraisal of thernnew courseware and its overall effect on the course. Assessment to date indicates that thernincorporation of this multimedia review material improves the course efficiency by providingrnneeded foundational competence in the area of Mechanics of Materials as well as releasingrnvaluable lecture time for incorporation of additional Machine Design content.
机译:在过去的七年中,奥斯汀德克萨斯大学的美国空军学院的机械设计课程是通过开发,实施和评估广泛的动手课程而发展起来的。这些教育创新,通过使用遥控汽车,乐高(Lego)等动手设备促进体验式调查。 RoboLab和消费品的逆向工程从学生的角度进行了非常积极的评估。但是,一些教职员工对为了实现动手主动学习技术而必须删除非平凡的(大约25%)传统机械设计课程材料表示关注。本文报告了这种材料去除的部分解决方案。具体来说,“机器设计”课程教学大纲以前分配了2-3个讲座,以审查“材料力学”课程的内容。尽管从教学的角度来看是多余的,但经验表明,该回顾对于先验地建立学习机器组件和系统所需的知识是有益的。面临的挑战是找到一种在不损害必要复习的情况下“恢复”这些演讲的方法。本文介绍了基于多媒体的课件的开发,实现和评估,学生可以在课外使用这些课件回顾这些基本的材料力学原理。为了评估课程修订和新的多媒体组件,已经开发了一个多方面的评估过程。该评估过程评估了2种类别的多媒体复习材料的使用情况:1)通过使用直接集成到课件中的练习评估学生的能力,以及2)评估学生和教授对新课件及其整体效果的评估在课程上。迄今为止的评估表明,这种多媒体复习材料的并入可以通过提供材料力学领域所需的基础能力以及释放宝贵的上课时间来并入其他机器设计内容来提高课程效率。



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