首页> 外文会议>Challenges to systemic functional linguistics: theory and practice. >Nominalizastion in Indonesian Scientific Texts: Cases of Four Journal Articles

Nominalizastion in Indonesian Scientific Texts: Cases of Four Journal Articles


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This paper reports a case study of nominalization in four journal articles in biology, economics, social science, and language written in Indonesian. In order to know the pattern of nominalization in the four articles, the clauses containing nominalization are identified, seen from whether the lexical items in the four articles are realized congruently or incongruently. The data analysis shows that nominalization in the four articles is realized by means of grammatical metaphor where verbs, adjectives, adverbs, modals, and conjunctions are metaphorically shifted to nouns. From the total lexical items incongruently employed in the four articles, the nominalization amounts to 97.6 % in Biology Text, 95.2 % in Economics Text, 96 % in Social Science Text, and 97.8 % in Language Text. The findings about nominalization are not only ideationally significant to the abstraction of real world (Martin, 1991, 1993a, 1993b; Halliday, 1993a, 1993b, 1998), but also textually significant to the text structure of the articles (Hyland, 2008).
机译:本文在以印度尼西亚语撰写的生物学,经济学,社会科学和语言方面的四篇期刊文章中报道了名词化的案例研究。为了了解这四篇文章中名词化的模式,从这四篇文章中的词汇项目是完全一致还是不一致的角度来识别包含名词化的子句。数据分析表明,这四篇文章中的名词化是通过语法隐喻实现的,其中动词,形容词,副词,情态和连词被隐喻地转移到名词上。在这四篇文章中使用的词汇词条不全的情况下,生物学文本中的名词化占97.6%,经济学文本中的名词化占95.2%,社会科学文本中的占96%,语言文本中的97.8%。关于名词化的发现不仅在概念上对现实世界的抽象具有重要意义(Martin,1991,1993a,1993b; Halliday,1993a,1993b,1998),而且在文本上对文章的文本结构也具有重要意义(Hyland,2008)。



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