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Ledger Guard: Improving Blockchain Ledger Dependability


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The rise of crypto-currencies has spawned great interest in their underlying technology, namely, Blockchain. The central component in a Blockchain is a shared distributed ledger. A ledger comprises series of blocks, which in turns contains a series of transactions. An identical copy of the ledger is stored on all nodes in a blockchain network. Maintaining ledger integrity and security is one of the crucial design aspects of any blockchain platform. Thus, there are typically built-in validation mechanisms leveraging cryptography to ensure the validity of incoming blocks before committing them into the ledger. However, a blockchain node may run over an extended period of time, during which the blocks on the disk can may become corrupted due to software or hardware failures, or due to malicious activity. This paper proposes LedgerGuard, a tool to maintain ledger integrity by detecting corrupted blocks and recovering these blocks by synchronizing with rest of the network. The experimental implementation of LedgerGuard is based on Hyperledger Fabric, which is a popular open source permissioned blockchain platform.
机译:加密货币的兴起引起了人们对其底层技术即区块链的极大兴趣。区块链的核心组件是共享的分布式账本。分类账由一系列块组成,而这些块又包含一系列交易。分类账的相同副本存储在区块链网络的所有节点上。维护分类账的完整性和安全性是任何区块链平台的关键设计方面之一。因此,通常存在内置的验证机制,利用密码学来确保传入的块在提交到分类账之前有效。但是,区块链节点可能会运行较长时间,在此期间,磁盘上的块可能由于软件或硬件故障或恶意活动而损坏。本文提出了LedgerGuard,它是一种通过检测损坏的块并通过与网络其余部分同步来恢复这些块来维护分类帐完整性的工具。 LedgerGuard的实验实现基于Hyperledger Fabric,它是一种流行的开源许可区块链平台。



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