首页> 外文会议>Biennial Conference on Professional Knowledge Management; 20050410-13; Kaiserslautern(DE) >Working Together in Philosophy and Informatics: An Introduction to the Contributions of the Second International Workshop on Philosophy and Informatics (WSPI 2005)

Working Together in Philosophy and Informatics: An Introduction to the Contributions of the Second International Workshop on Philosophy and Informatics (WSPI 2005)

机译:在哲学和信息学中共同努力:第二届国际哲学和信息学研讨会的贡献简介(WSPI 2005)

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Having people from two sciences come together appears to be a difficult task, especially when one of the sciences has a tradition that can be counted in millennia and where the other one some decades ago simply did not exist. Todays talking about ontologies in informatics (computer science), for instance, can easily be misleading. The term is borrowed from philosophy where there is no such thing as a multitude of ontologies, there is only ontology as the subject of existence. The Second International Workshop on Philosophy and Informatics WSPI 2005 was organized by the Special Interest Group Philosophy and Informatics (SIG PandI) of the German Informatics Society (Arbeitskreis "Philosophie und Informatik" der Gesellschaft fur Informatik). This group provides a platform for discussions in form of regular meetings and workshops. Members are scientists from philosophy, informatics, and from related fields. The work of the SIG Pandl addresses and encourages especially—but not exclusively猼he trans-disciplinary discourse on foundations of artificial intelligence with the help of philosophy. A lot of topics have been discussed already, e.g., the relation between philosophical concepts of ontology and ontologies as a concept of knowledge representation. For further information about the goals and the progress of the SIG and the results of earlier workshops and work meetings, visit the SIG's website.
机译:让来自两种科学的人们聚集在一起似乎是一项艰巨的任务,尤其是当其中一门科学具有可追溯到几千年的传统,而几十年前另一种根本不存在的传统时。例如,当今谈论信息学(计算机科学)的本体论很容易产生误导。该术语是从哲学中借用的,在哲学中不存在诸如众多本体之类的东西,只有本体作为存在的主体。第二届哲学与信息学国际研讨会WSPI 2005由德国信息学学会(Asbeitskreis“ Philosophie und Informatik” der Gesellschaft fur Informatik)的哲学与信息学特别兴趣小组(SIG PandI)组织。该小组以定期会议和研讨会的形式提供了一个讨论平台。成员是来自哲学,信息学和相关领域的科学家。 SIG Pandl的工作特别针对(但不限于)鼓励在哲学的帮助下基于人工智能的跨学科论述。已经讨论了许多主题,例如,本体论的哲学概念与作为知识表示概念的本体论之间的关系。有关SIG的目标和进展以及早期研讨会和工作会议的结果的更多信息,请访问SIG的网站。



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