
Coarse-to-Fine Correspondence Search for Classifying Ancient Coins




In this paper, we build upon the idea of using robust dense correspondence estimation for exemplar-based image classification and adapt it to the problem of ancient coin classification. We thus account for the lack of available training data and demonstrate that the matching costs are a powerful dissimilarity metric to establish coin classification for training set sizes of one or two images per class. This is accomplished by using a flexible dense correspondence search which is highly insensitive to local spatial differences between coins of the same class and different coin rotations between images. Additionally, we introduce a coarse-to-fine classification scheme to decrease runtime which would be otherwise linear to the number of classes in the training set. For evaluation, a new dataset representing 60 coin classes of the Roman Republican period is used. The proposed system achieves a classification rate of 83.3% and a runtime improvement of 93% through the coarse-to-fine classification.


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