首页> 外文会议>Applications of Digital Image Processing XXVIII >A Reduced Color Approach to High Quality Cartoon Coding

A Reduced Color Approach to High Quality Cartoon Coding


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An algorithm that integrates table indexing and quad-tree decomposition is proposed for cartoon image compression in this work. The proposed method includes 3 steps. First, colors in the color palette are selected based on the input image and a set of training images. Second, the input image is divided into blocks of size 16 by 16. The number of colors inside each block is checked. If the block has one uniform color or exactly two colors, no further processing is required. Otherwise, quad-tree decomposition will be performed for this block. The subdivision continues until all subblocks have either one or two colors. Then, the code for each subblock will be output in a depth-first order. If the subblock size reaches 2 x 2 and the number of colors in that block is still more than 2, no further subdivision is performed and a code that indicates colors of 4 pixels are output. Finally, to further reduce the size, the data part of the output stream is losslessly compressed by the LZW method. Experimental results are given to demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method for cartoon image compression.
机译:提出了一种将表索引和四叉树分解相结合的算法,用于卡通图像压缩。所提出的方法包括三个步骤。首先,根据输入图像和一组训练图像选择调色板中的颜色。其次,将输入图像划分为大小16乘以16的块。检查每个块内的颜色数量。如果块具有一种均匀的颜色或恰好具有两种颜色,则无需进一步处理。否则,将对该块执行四叉树分解。继续进行细分,直到所有子块具有一种或两种颜色。然后,将以深度优先的顺序输出每个子块的代码。如果子块大小达到2 x 2,并且该块中的颜色数仍大于2,则不执行进一步的细分,并输出指示4个像素的颜色的代码。最后,为了进一步减小大小,通过LZW方法对输出流的数据部分进行无损压缩。实验结果证明了所提出的卡通图像压缩方法的优越性能。



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