首页> 外文会议>Advances in metallic materials and manufacturing processes for strategic sectors >Analysis of Trace Additives in Copper Alloys for Space Applications: A Comparison between Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry

Analysis of Trace Additives in Copper Alloys for Space Applications: A Comparison between Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry


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Cu-Cr-Zr-Ti alloy is a special type of copper alloy being used as thrust chamber material in cryogenic engine, owing to its good thermal conductivity and mechanical properties at high temperature. Presence of alloying elements like chromium, zirconium and titanium in lower percentage has considerable effect on the thermal and mechanical properties of the thrust chamber material. Hence the accurate estimation of alloying elements as well as trace impurities is an important part of the quality control process in the manufacture of these materials. In analytical methods like XRF, F-AAS etc. which are used for chemical analysis of alloys, the intensity of analytical signal is highly dependent on matrix composition and hence precise matching of sample and standard matrices is required for drawing accurate results. ICP-AES is well-established analytical technique offers better detection limit, wide linear dynamic range, high precision, good accuracy, and practically negligible chemical interferences for the estimation of alloying elements. An accurate and precise technique for quantitative estimation of the elements viz. chromium, zirconium, titanium, iron, manganese, nickel, lead etc. in Cu- Cr-Zr- Ti alloy has been successfully developed using ICP-AES and GF-AAS. Merits and demerits of the two analytical techniques are also compared with respect to the result obtained.
机译:Cu-Cr-Zr-Ti合金是一种特殊类型的铜合金,由于其良好的导热性和高温下的机械性能,因此在低温发动机中用作推力室材料。合金元素(如铬,锆和钛)的含量较低,对推力室材料的热和机械性能有很大影响。因此,准确估算合金元素以及微量杂质是这些材料制造过程中质量控制过程的重要组成部分。在用于合金化学分析的XRF,F-AAS等分析方法中,分析信号的强度高度依赖于基体成分,因此需要精确匹配样品和标准基质才能得出准确的结果。 ICP-AES是一种行之有效的分析技术,可为合金元素的估算提供更好的检测极限,宽线性动态范围,高精度,良好的准确性以及几乎可以忽略的化学干扰。一种准确而精确的技术,用于元素的定量估计。使用ICP-AES和GF-AAS已成功开发了Cu- Cr-Zr-Ti合金中的铬,锆,钛,铁,锰,镍,铅等。还就获得的结果比较了两种分析技术的优缺点。


  • 来源
  • 会议地点 Trivandrum(IN);Trivandrum(IN)
  • 作者单位

    Analytical and Spectroscopy Division, Propellants and Special Chemicals Group, PCM Entity, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum-695 022, India;

    Analytical and Spectroscopy Division, Propellants and Special Chemicals Group, PCM Entity, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum-695 022, India;

    Analytical and Spectroscopy Division, Propellants and Special Chemicals Group, PCM Entity, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum-695 022, India;

    Analytical and Spectroscopy Division, Propellants and Special Chemicals Group, PCM Entity, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum-695 022, India;

    Analytical and Spectroscopy Division, Propellants and Special Chemicals Group, PCM Entity, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum-695 022, India;

    Analytical and Spectroscopy Division, Propellants and Special Chemicals Group, PCM Entity, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum-695 022, India;

  • 会议组织
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类 金属材料;
  • 关键词

    ICP-AES; GF-AAS; Cu-Cr-Zr-Ti alloy; composition analysis; trace impurities;

    机译:ICP-AES; GF-AAS; Cu-Cr-Zr-Ti合金;成分分析;微量杂质;


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