首页> 外文会议>Advanced Photonic Sensors and Applications >High-resolution velocimeter based on a fiber optic Sagnac interferometer

High-resolution velocimeter based on a fiber optic Sagnac interferometer


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Abstract: In this paper, we report a Sagnac interferometer based velocimeter with a resolution of 0.3$mu@m/s. The sensor is constructed from commercially available telecommunication single mode fibers. A sensing probe is inserted on one side of the Sagnac loop to illuminate a test surface and to couple light back to the coil. Nonreciprocal phase shift appears between the counter-propagating waves when the surface is moving away or towards the sensing probe. A number of single-no-noise-ratio enhancing techniques have been employed and a nanopositioner is also used to provide a known velocity to test the sensor response. Our experimental result have shown a linear relationship between the applied velocity and the senor response within the nanopositioner restricted measurement range of 20$mu@m/s. !13
机译:摘要:在本文中,我们报告了一种基于Sagnac干涉仪的测速仪,其分辨率为0.3$mu@m/s。该传感器由可商购的电信单模光纤构成。将传感探头插入Sagnac回路的一侧,以照亮测试表面并将光耦合回线圈。当表面移开或朝着传感探头移动时,在反向传播的波之间会出现不可逆的相移。已经采用了许多单噪声比增强技术,并且还使用了纳米定位器来提供已知的速度来测试传感器响应。我们的实验结果表明,在纳米定位器限制的20 $ mu @ m / s的测量范围内,施加的速度与传感器响应之间存在线性关系。 !13


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