首页> 外文会议>Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XIX >Automatic Target Cueing Utilizing a SNAKE-Fusion Track Algorithm

Automatic Target Cueing Utilizing a SNAKE-Fusion Track Algorithm

机译:利用SNAKE-Fusion Track算法的自动目标提示

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Typical automatic target recognition (ATR) systems rely on measurements from images; however, acquiring the image is dependent on knowing the target location. A dynamic sensor manager points a sensor in the general target direction. Once the general target area is identified (coarse resolution), it is imperative that an ATR system increase pixels on target (fine resolution) to maintain accurate target identification. For this paper, we are concerned about maintaining target position by user-tracker reciprocal cueing. From a general wide-area search image, an operator can refine the target location by monitoring or selecting boundary points around a target. The SNAKE tracking algorithm maintains a track on a target from image sequences by developing a contour between points. For measurement drop-out, we predict target covariance from the previous image-target contour through a Kalman filter. The SNAKE-prediction region for a maneuvering target produces a precise target location from which features ean be extracted for target recognition. While the SNAKE algorithm is mature, its usefulness for robust tracking is limited in that that sensor must be locked on the target for the entire process. In this development, we utilize track prediction information to follow targets through occlusions, maintain target tracks through sensor dropouts, and fuse operator inputs to refine the target location.
机译:典型的自动目标识别(ATR)系统依赖于图像的测量。但是,获取图像取决于知道目标位置。动态传感器管理器将传感器指向总体目标方向。一旦确定了一般目标区域(粗分辨率),就必须ATR系统增加目标上的像素(精细分辨率)以维持准确的目标识别。在本文中,我们关注通过用户跟踪器相互提示来维持目标位置。根据一般的广域搜索图像,操作员可以通过监视或选择目标周围的边界点来优化目标位置。 SNAKE跟踪算法通过展开点之间的轮廓来维护图像序列上目标的跟踪。对于测量丢失,我们通过卡尔曼滤波器根据先前的图像目标轮廓预测目标协方差。机动目标的SNAKE预测区域会产生精确的目标位置,并从中提取特征以进行目标识别。尽管SNAKE算法已经成熟,但是它对于鲁棒跟踪的有用性受到限制,因为该传感器必须在整个过程中都锁定在目标上。在此开发中,我们利用轨迹预测信息通过遮挡物跟踪目标,通过传感器退出保持目标轨迹以及融合操作员输入以完善目标位置。



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