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Acousto-optic tunable filters for infrared imaging


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Sensing from space requires the development of hyperspectral imagers operating in the two atmospheric window regions (3-5 μm and 8-12 μm) in the infrared region. At the Army Research Laboratory we are developing hyperspectral imagers operating in these two regions based on using acousto-optic tunable filters (AOTFs). Research is going on in the growth of new acousto-optic materials—mercurous halides (Hg_2Cl_2 and Hg_2Br_2) and tellurium (Te) for development of AOTF cells. We have developed a hyperspectral imager using a tellurium dioxide (TeO_2) AOTF with a liquid-nitrogen-cooled indium antimonide (InSb) 256x256 focal plane array (FPA) that covers 2-4.5 μm region and another imager using a thallium arsenic selenide (TAS) AOTF with liquid-nitrogen-cooled mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe) 256x256 FPA to cover 7.8-9.8 μm region. Each of these imagers has been integrated on a tripod-mountable platform with an appropriate optical train. Control of RF electronics, and image acquisition and storage operations are carried out under full computer-control with a user-friendly interface. We will discuss the progress in material development and present imaging results.
机译:从太空感应需要开发在红外区域的两个大气窗口区域(3-5μm和8-12μm)中运行的高光谱成像仪。在陆军研究实验室,我们正在开发使用声光可调滤光片(AOTF)在这两个区域运行的高光谱成像仪。新型声光材料(卤化汞(Hg_2Cl_2和Hg_2Br_2)和碲(Te))用于AOTF细胞生长的研究正在进行中。我们开发了使用二氧化碲(TeO_2)AOTF和液氮冷却的锑化铟(InSb)256x256焦平面阵列(FPA)的高光谱成像仪,该成像仪覆盖2-4.5μm区域,另一台使用using硒化砷(TAS)的成像仪)液氮冷却的碲化汞镉(HgCdTe)256x256 FPA的AOTF覆盖7.8-9.8μm区域。这些成像器均已通过适当的光学系统集成在可安装在三脚架上的平台上。射频电子设备的控制以及图像采集和存储操作均在完整的计算机控制下进行,并且界面友好。我们将讨论材料开发的进展并介绍成像结果。



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