
Portable Data Acquisition and Online wireless data acquisition for Distillation Column


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The invariable necessity of data acquisition for monitoring and control of various industrial applications has fueled the need for the design and development of modular, reliable and accurate tailor made Data Acquisition systems. The system developed, is aimed at providing a standard data acquisition system. Agilent 34970A Data Acquisition / Switch Unit and ICP CON Data Acquisition Modules have been used for the purpose of data acquisition. Their effective use is demonstrated on an experimental set-up of Distillation Column having 9 trays. Various parameters like temperature, pressure etc at various points of Distillation Column have to be monitored to carry out the control and analysis of the process. In the present paper, with the help of Agilent 34970A D.A unit the data acquired is used for offline analysis of the Distillation process and the same is presented. However, wireless data acquisition is demonstrated using ICP CON modules although data is acquired online in both the cases. Although, in the paper Agilent 34970A Data Acquisition/Switch Unit and ICP CON Data Acquisition Modules have been used for acquiring data from Distillation column but when used with relevant transducers and signal conditioners, they can be used as a general purpose data acquisition system for a variety of industrial and research applications like Power Generation Plants, Chemical plants, Position Monitoring Systems and lots of other industrial control and monitoring systems.
机译:用于监视和控制各种工业应用的数据采集具有不变的必要性,这激发了对设计,开发模块化,可靠和准确的定制数据采集系统的需求。开发的系统旨在提供标准的数据采集系统。 Agilent 34970A数据采集/开关单元和ICP CON数据采集模块已用于数据采集。在具有9个塔板的蒸馏塔的实验装置上证明了它们的有效使用。必须监控蒸馏塔各个点的各种参数,例如温度,压力等,以进行过程的控制和分析。在本文中,借助Agilent 34970A D.A装置,将采集的数据用于蒸馏过程的脱机分析,并进行了介绍。但是,尽管在两种情况下都是在线获取数据,但使用ICP CON模块演示了无线数据获取。尽管在本文中,Agilent 34970A数据采集/开关单元和ICP CON数据采集模块已用于从蒸馏塔中采集数据,但是当与相关的传感器和信号调节器一起使用时,它们可以用作通用数据采集系统。各种工业和研究应用,例如发电厂,化工厂,位置监控系统以及许多其他工业控制和监控系统。



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