首页> 外文会议>The 7th International Conference on Cognitive Science(第七届国际认知科学大会 ICCS 2010) >Epistemic Beliefs about Knowledge-to-Use and Satisfaction toward Classes

Epistemic Beliefs about Knowledge-to-Use and Satisfaction toward Classes




Introduction: It has been pointed out that the personal epistemology of students affects how they view their classes (Hofer & Pintirich, 1997). Especially, absolutism view of knowlcdge relate to the negative influence derive from knowledgetransmission views of classes on satisfaction toward knowledge-construction in classroom. This study aims to explore epistemic beliefs that can absorb the negative effect. Nomura & Maruno (under review b) suggested that beliefs about knowledge-to use would be the nominees. If students who hold sophisticated beliefs about knowledge-to-use would learn contents of classes in useful way, satisfaction in gaining knowledge based knowledge transmission views of classes would not always lead aversive effect on satisfaction to taking perspective. The current study aims to examine whether or not beliefs about knowledge-to-use absorb the negative effect.
机译:简介:有人指出,学生的个人认识论会影响他们对课堂的看法(Hofer&Pintirich,1997)。尤其是,绝对主义的知识观与课堂对知识建构的满意度对课堂知识建构的消极影响有关。这项研究旨在探索可以吸收负面影响的认知信念。 Nomura&Maruno(正在审查b)建议,关于使用知识的信念将是被提名者。如果对使用知识抱有复杂信念的学生能够以有用的方式学习课堂内容,那么在获得基于知识的课堂知识传播观方面的满足感并不会总是对满足感产生厌恶感。当前的研究旨在检验关于使用知识的信念是否能够吸收负面影响。



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