首页> 外文会议>The 7th International Conference on Cognitive Science(第七届国际认知科学大会 ICCS 2010) >Investigation of the Neural Mechanism of Feature Emergence in Metaphor Understanding by Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

Investigation of the Neural Mechanism of Feature Emergence in Metaphor Understanding by Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)




Introduction: In this paper, the neural activation of feature emergence, which occurs within the understanding process of metaphors represented in the form of "A is like B", is measured using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Many studies have pointed out that the left hemisphere (LH) is involved in metaphor comprehension (Rapp et al. 2004, Shibata et al. 2007 et al. ), but it is a matter of debate as to whether the right hemisphere (RH) is also involved. In this paper, it is examined whether the RH contributes the process of emergent feature.
机译:简介:在本文中,使用近红外光谱(NIRS)测量了特征出现的神经激活,该激活出现在以“ A像B”表示的隐喻的理解过程中。许多研究指出,左半球(LH)参与隐喻理解(Rapp等,2004; Shibata等,2007等),但关于右半球(RH)是否存在争议。也参与其中。本文研究了RH是否有助于突现特征的过程。



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