
The contribution of preservationists to the reconstruction of the Semper Opera House


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The destruction of the opera house, built from 1871 to 1878 according to the plans of Gottfried Semper, on February 13th 1945 was felt by the inhabitants of Dresden as an especially painful loss, since numerous memories of grand musical performances were connected with the house. Although initial securing measures were taken in the years from 1952 to 1956, the economic situation did not allow the reconstruction of the house at that time. In the sixties, however, the architects and preservationists favoured striking a balance between the reconstruction of the opera house in its original form with the requirements of a modern-day opera house. It was around 1970 when the architecture of the historicism was discovered and also the architecture of Gottfried Semper was fully recognised by all those working in the field. The consequence of this development was that the planning office, the VEB Gesellschaftsbau Dresden, under the guidance of Wolfgang Haensch decided to build modern side stages only within the dimensions of the old building. The functional buildings erected separately at the rear of the house were in a modern design and connected with the Semper building by bridges. The auditorium regained the main features of the old auditorium during reconstruction between 1977 and 1985. The internal architecture, which in the vestibules and foyers had partly survived, was restored and partly reconstructed in accordance with the concepts for the preservation of monuments. This paper illustrates the approach of preservationists to reconstruction and the contribution made by them.
机译:根据戈特弗里德·森珀(Gottfried Semper)的计划,歌剧院于1871年至1878年被摧毁,德累斯顿的居民感到这是一次特别痛苦的损失,因为与歌剧院有关的许多美好回忆与歌剧院联系在一起。尽管从1952年到1956年采取了最初的固定措施,但当时的经济形势不允许重建房屋。然而,在六十年代,建筑师和保护主义者主张在原始形式的歌剧院的重建与现代歌剧院的要求之间寻求平衡。大约在1970年,历史主义的建筑被发现,而Gottfried Semper的建筑也被该领域的所有工作人员完全认可。这项发展的结果是,在沃尔夫冈·海恩施(Wolfgang Haensch)的指导下,规划办公室VEB Gesellschaftsbau Dresden决定仅在老建筑的尺寸范围内建造现代侧台。在房屋后部分别竖立的功能性建筑采用现代设计,并通过桥梁与Semper建筑相连。礼堂在1977年至1985年的重建过程中恢复了旧礼堂的主要特征。根据古迹保护的概念,内部建筑(在前庭和门厅部分幸存了)得以恢复和部分重建。本文说明了保护主义者进行重建的方法及其所作的贡献。



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