首页> 外文会议>4th International Symposium on Architectural Interchange in Asia; Sep 17-19, 2002; Chongqing, China >The Chinese Urban Space and Architecture under the Influence of Globalization

The Chinese Urban Space and Architecture under the Influence of Globalization


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The Chinese urban planning and architecture have been greatly influenced by the globalization. Usually, ' globalization is a discourse upon the value system of the western world, which is expressed as internationalization of the architectonic culture and the assimilation of urban space in architectural field. Globalization does not mean a monism, it is rather a symbiosis of the multiculturalism and localization. Among globalization, localization and multiculturalism, there is a relationship of supplementing to each other, and mutually promoted. The main influence of globalization upon Chinese urban space and architecture is the rapid urbanization, the participation of international architects and urban planners in Chinese urban planning and architectural design field. During the course of urbanization, many small and medium cities have gradually lost its identity. In this field, at one hand, we have to study the international experiences, on the other hand, we have to face the impact of international style upon architectural culture, in order to preserve the identity of Chinese urban space and architecture.



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