首页> 外文会议>The 2nd International Conference on Language Learning at Peking University(北京大学第二届英语教学国际研讨会) >The Design and Evaluation of English Testing Item Bank -The Evaluation of College English Test Bank

The Design and Evaluation of English Testing Item Bank -The Evaluation of College English Test Bank


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1 Introduction Testing item bank is a relatively large and accessible collection of test items with known properties (Davies, 2002). It can automate the process of test paper construction and produce equivalent or alternate forms of frequently administered standardized tests. By using item bank, teachers’ burden will be reduced and the comparability of test papers will be increased. Therefore, the construction of item bank is a significant research topic in testing. With the development of CALL (computer assisted language learning) and CAT (computer assisted testing), the establishment of English testing item bank (ETIB) attracts more and more attention. Many educational institutions, schools and teachers have built their own item bank to facilitate English teaching and English testing. However, as for questions like whether an already made item bank is theoretically grounded, whether it can serve English teaching well, there is no specific evaluation instrument to help scientific judgment.



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